Krish Patel

I am a Computer Science Engineering student and a passionate Full-Stack Web Developer with a strong belief in continuous learning. Solving technical problems and building innovative solutions through coding and programming languages is not just a hobby, but a way of life for me. My ultimate goal is to become a skilled Software Engineer and make a significant impact on society. Beyond my professional aspirations, I am deeply committed to protecting our Earth and restoring its delicate ecosystem from the effects of global warming. With exceptional Problem-Solving abilities and a dedication to diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry, I strive to leverage technology for social good and address pressing global issues. Through my technical expertise, creativity, and commitment to social and environmental responsibility, I aim to create a better future. Join me on this exciting journey towards making a lasting impact through my skills and passion.




Grade Xth (C.B.S.E.)

Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Int. School
Nagpur, Maharastra, India

June 2018 - March 2019

In March 2019, I successfully completed Grade 10th under the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum, securing a commendable 79.4% overall. I pursued my studies at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul International School located in Nagpur. This educational achievement reflects my dedication, academic capabilities, and commitment to excellence during my time in high school.

Grade XIIth Science (M.H. State)

Iinsight Jr. Collage
Nagpur, Maharastra, India

May 2019 - March 2021

In 2021, I successfully completed my Class 12th in the Science stream under the Maharashtra State Board curriculum. I pursued my studies at Iinsight Jr. College located in Nagpur. I am proud to have achieved an impressive score of 89.67%, reflecting my strong academic abilities, dedication, and hard work throughout my high school years. This achievement highlights my proficiency in science-related subjects and my commitment to achieving excellence in my education.

B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering

Lovely Professional University
Jalandhar, Punjab, India

August 2021 - June 2025

I have successfully completed four semesters of my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Lovely Professional University in Jalandhar. Throughout these semesters, I have consistently maintained a strong academic record, achieving a commendable Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 8.69. The curriculum has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of CSE, including programming, algorithms, software development, and data structures. My education at Lovely Professional University has equipped me with valuable theoretical knowledge and practical skills, setting a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the field of computer science and engineering.


The Resume Project, built using HTML and CSS, is a prime example of my technical proficiency and design skills. This project serves as a showcase of my abilities in creating a professional and visually appealing resume website.

  • Sleek and Modern Design: The Resume Project features a sleek and modern design that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression on recruiters and potential employers.
  • Responsive Layout: The website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for users across devices.
  • Clear and Structured Information: The project highlights my professional experience, skills, education, and achievements in a clear and well-organized manner, making it easy for viewers to navigate and locate relevant details.
  • Customizable Sections: Each section of the resume, such as "Experience," "Education," and "Skills," is customizable to match my unique qualifications and personal style.
  • Visual Enhancements: CSS styles and effects are applied to enhance the visual appeal of the resume, such as subtle animations, stylish fonts, and appealing color schemes.
  • Interactive Elements: The resume includes interactive elements that allow users to expand or collapse sections for a more engaging and user-friendly experience.
  • Smooth Transitions: Thoughtfully implemented transitions and smooth scrolling contribute to a seamless browsing experience.
  • Easy-to-Update Content: With clean HTML structure and organized CSS styles, updating and maintaining the content of the resume is straightforward.

The Resume Project demonstrates my ability to create a professional online presence, effectively presenting my qualifications to potential employers. Its clean design, user-friendly interface, and attention to detail highlight my commitment to producing high-quality work.

The Inventory Management System, developed with Java Swing and MySQL connectivity, is a comprehensive software application designed to efficiently manage inventory and streamline business operations. This project showcases my proficiency in Java programming, graphical user interface (GUI) development with Swing, and integration with a MySQL database.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The Inventory Management System provides an intuitive and user-friendly GUI, allowing users to easily navigate and interact with the system.
  • Inventory Management: The system enables users to perform essential inventory management tasks, including adding, updating, and deleting products, tracking stock levels, and generating reports.
  • MySQL Database Integration: The project incorporates connectivity with a MySQL database, allowing seamless storage and retrieval of inventory data.
  • Authentication and Security: The system implements authentication mechanisms to ensure secure access, preventing unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information
  • Data Validation: Comprehensive validation checks are applied to ensure the accuracy and integrity of data entered into the system, reducing errors and maintaining data consistency.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The Inventory Management System offers reporting and analytics functionalities, providing users with valuable insights into inventory trends, sales, and stock levels.
  • Search and Filtering: Users can efficiently search for specific products based on various criteria, such as name, category, or supplier, and apply filters to narrow down results
  • Transaction Management: The system allows users to record and manage purchase and sales transactions, including generating invoices or receipts.

The Inventory Management System with Java Swing and MySQL Connectivity is a robust solution for businesses to effectively monitor and control their inventory. Its user-friendly interface, database integration, and comprehensive features make it an essential tool for optimizing inventory operations, improving efficiency, and making informed business decisions

SocioAI is an AI-powered platform that aims to address this problem by providing users with a powerful tool for knowledge discovery and sharing in a particular domain. Whether you're a researcher looking for the latest insights in your field, a student trying to understand a complex concept, or a practitioner seeking best practices and case studies, SocioAI can help you find the answers you need quickly and easily. What sets SocioAI apart from other information platforms is its use of natural language processing (NLP) to understand and interpret user queries. This means that users can ask questions in plain language and receive relevant, accurate answers, even if they don't have a background in the domain. Additionally, SocioAIā€™s database of curated information is updated regularly by a team of domain experts, ensuring that the information provided is current and reliable. SINGIN/SIGNUP: There will be a sign-in and sign-up page which will be the first step or entrance gate from where any user needs to enter to use SocioAI and which help us to keep track of user's activity so the next time some question was asked by the user so AI can recommend all relevant result according to his/her previous search results, and this will also ensure data security among the user. Types of the User: There will be three different types of users in this project as follows: 1. Normal User: This type of user will be only able to ask their doubts and queries related to a particular domain. 2. Pro User: This type of user apart from asking doubts can also update any information after getting the request approved by the Admin. 3. Admin: Their will be an Admin which can manage the portal at the backend and can ensure that other users are happy with SocioAI and can take any relevant action. Database used: Database will be used to store information about user and types of queries and there corresponding solutions. 1. Normal User database: Attributes like user id, name, password, phone number, query pointer (for recommending most searched user query). 2. Pro User database: Normal user attributes and additional attributes to alter query, alter solution, query type 3. Admin database: Admin id, Admin password, alter query from pro user, alter solution from pro user, alter query type id, alter solution type id. 4. Query type database: Query id, query name, solution id, global query pointer (for recommending most searched global query)

The Courier Management System, developed using Python and Tkinter, is a comprehensive software application designed to efficiently manage courier operations for businesses. This project demonstrates my proficiency in Python programming, graphical user interface (GUI) development with Tkinter, and effective management of courier logistics.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The Courier Management System provides an intuitive and user-friendly GUI, allowing users to easily navigate and interact with the system. The interface offers clear functionalities and controls for managing various aspects of the courier operations.
  • Shipment Tracking: The system enables users to track and monitor courier shipments throughout the entire logistics chain. It provides real-time updates on the status of each shipment, including pickup, transit, and delivery information.
  • Order Management: Users can efficiently manage and process courier orders within the system. It allows them to create new orders, assign delivery personnel, set delivery schedules, and update order statuses.
  • Customer Database: The project includes a customer database that stores essential information, such as customer details, addresses, and contact information. This enables efficient management of customer records and seamless order processing.
  • Automated Routing and Optimization: The Courier Management System employs algorithms to automatically determine optimal delivery routes, minimizing delivery time and optimizing resource allocation. This helps to streamline operations and reduce costs.
  • Delivery Personnel Management: The system facilitates the management of delivery personnel, allowing users to assign routes, track their progress, and monitor performance. It ensures effective coordination and accountability in the delivery process.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The project provides reporting and analytics capabilities, enabling users to generate insights and performance metrics. Users can access reports on delivery statistics, customer satisfaction, and overall system performance.
  • Database Integration: The Courier Management System integrates with a database, such as SQLite or MySQL, to store and retrieve data efficiently. This ensures data integrity, scalability, and easy access to historical records.

The Courier Management System with Python and Tkinter offers businesses an efficient and streamlined solution for managing their courier operations. Its user-friendly interface, robust functionalities, and integration with a database provide a comprehensive tool for automating and optimizing courier logistics. This project showcases my skills in Python programming, GUI development, and effective management of complex systems.


Get In touch

Thank you for visiting my resume website! I am excited to connect with you and discuss potential opportunities. Please feel free to reach out by filling out the form below. Kindly provide your name, email address, and a brief message detailing how I can be of assistance.

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